2018 Flight Crew Recency Requirements
Self-Paced Study Program


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Please be prepared to spend 30 minutes to one hour to complete this test.

Refer to paragraph 421.05(2)(d) of the Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs).

Completion of this questionnaire satisfies the 24-month recurrent training program requirements of CAR 401.05(2)(a). It is to be retained by the pilot.

All pilots are to answer questions 1 to 31. In addition, aeroplane and ultra-light aeroplane pilots are to answer questions 32 and 33; helicopter pilots are to answer questions 34 and 35; balloon pilots are to answer questions 36 and 37; glider pilots are to answer questions 38 and 39; gyroplane pilots are to answer questions 40 and 41.

Note: References are provided for each question. Many answers may be found in the Transport Canada Aeronautical Information Manual (TC AIM). Other answers can be found in the AIP Canada (ICAO). Amendments to these publications may result in changes to answers and/or references. The TC AIM is available online at: www.tc.gc.ca/en/services/aviation/general-operating-flight-rules/flight-crew-recency-requirements-self-paced-study-program.html. AIP Canada (ICAO) is available online at: http://www.navcanada.ca/EN/products-and-services/Pages/AIP.aspx.The CARs are available online at: http://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/regulations/SOR-96-433/FullText.html.

Please enter your full Name (First and Last)

Please enter your Email

Please select the aircraft you are rated for and for which you are doing the recency:


When a civil aircraft uses its registration marks as its call sign after the initial contact with air traffic services (ATS), the call sign may be abbreviated to the last three characters of the registration, as long as .

TC AIM - COM 5.11 (f)

Pilots should use VFR Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receivers only to map reading in visual conditions, not as a for current charts.

TC AIM - COM 5.11 (h)

In the proper use of GNSS, pilots should resist the urge to fly into marginal weather when navigating VFR. The risk of getting lost is when using GNSS, but the risk of controlled flight into terrain (CFIT) .

TC AIM - MET 1.1.6 MET 2.1

Where can pilots find the suggested format for pilot weather reports (PIREPs)?


In the PIREP below, what is the reported weather condition? .

TC AIM MET 3.1 and 7.2

TAFs are intended to relate to weather conditions for flight operations within of the centre of the runway complex, depending on local terrain.

TC AIM - MET 4.11

What does the following mean if seen on a Graphic Area Forecast (GFA)?

TC AIM - MET 4.11

Decode the GFA clouds and weather chart information below.

TC AIM - MET 7.4

In the above aerodrome forecast (TAF), what is the lowest visibility forecast for CYAM?

At what time is this visibility forecast to commence? .

TC AIM - MET 7.4

In the TAF below, what is the wind direction and speed expected at 2300Z?

TC AIM - MET 8.3 (f)

What does 320V050 mean in the METAR below?

TC AIM - MET 8.3(o)

In the remarks section of a METAR, density altitude will be indicated after sea level pressure when the density altitude is
ft or more than the aerodrome elevation.

TC AIM - RAC 1.6

A VFR flight encountering instrument meteorological conditions (IMC) is not normally given VHF direction finder (VDF) headings. What should a pilot do to receive navigation assistance to the VDF site?

TC AIM - RAC 1.11.2

In the interest of conserving wildlife, pilots must not fly at an altitude of less than when in the vicinity of herds of wildlife or above wildlife refuges/bird sanctuaries depicted on affected aeronautical charts.

TC AIM - RAC 1.11.3

The landing or takeoff of aircraft in national parks and national park reserves may only take place in accordance with National Parks of Canada Aircraft Access Regulations .
Reference can be found at http://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/regulations/SOR-97-150/

TC AIM - RAC 2.7.3 CAR 602.115

VFR weather minimum in uncontrolled airspace at or above 1 000 ft AGL requires a visibility of by day and by night, and a distance from cloud not less than horizontally and vertically.

TC AIM - RAC 2.8.4

VFR flights must with the appropriate air traffic control (ATC) agency entering Class D airspace.

TC AIM - SAR 2.1

In Canada, the area covered in a Search and Rescue visual search will typically extend to a maximum of on either side of the flight-planned route.

TC AIM - MAP 3.6.1

In the NOTAM below, when is the remotely piloted aircraft system activity expected to end?

TC AIM - LRA 1.3

A licence holder with an operational level of language proficiency must be retested every

TC AIM - LRA 1.9 TC AIM - LRA 1.9.1 CAR 404.04

On what date does the validity period of your medical certificate come to an end?
(specify date)

TC AIM - AIR 3.8

The most common causes of fatigue are , , and .


Go to the NAV CANADA Web site and familiarize yourself with the AICs and AIP Canada (ICAO) Supplements available at http://www.navcanada.ca/EN/products-and-services/Pages/AIP-current.aspx
Record the most recent AIC number here:

AIP Canada (ICAO) Part 1 - GEN 1.5.1

Pilots unfamiliar with the potential dangers and problems associated with navigating an aircraft in sparsely settled areas of Canada tend to the difficulties involved in surviving on the ground.

AIP Canada (ICAO) Part 1 - GEN

What is the correct frequency to use in the Southern Domestic Airspace (SDA) for air-to-air communication?

AIP Canada (ICAO) Part 2 - ENR 5.3.2

How is the temporary occurrence of a potential hazard announced in the Canadian Domestic Airspace (CDA)?

AIP Canada (ICAO) Part 4

AIP Canada (ICAO) Supplements are published at http://www.navcanada.ca/EN/products-and-services/Pages/AIP-part-4-current.aspx.
What is the title of AIP Canada (ICAO) Supplement 7/18?

Nav Canada publishes the Canadian Airport Chart Diagrams at http://www.navcanada.ca/EN/products-and-services/Documents/CanadianAirportCharts_Current.pdf

Canadian Airport Chart Diagrams

What is the Aerodrome Traffic Frequency at Alert (ATF), Nunavut (CYLT)?

CFS Aerodromes and Facilities Legend

In the CFS, where would you find the mandatory circuit patterns and heights, specific VFR routes within zones, restrictions to certain types of traffic, other aerial activities within zones, specific helicopter procedures, and Noise Operating Criteria?

CFS Section A General, VTPC Legend and CFS Section B Aerodrome/Facility Directory

Refer to the CFS and locate the Ottawa VFR Terminal Procedures Chart. Draw and name any 2 symbols found on the chart.
and .

CFS Section B, Aerodrome/Facilities and Section A, General, Aerodromes and Facilities Legend

Refer to the CFS and the Hinton/Jasper-Hinton Alberta (CEC4) aerodrome “Lighting” section.
What does ARCAL stand for?
To turn on the aerodrome lights at this aerodrome, you should key the transmitter on frequency .

TC AIM - GEN 5.1

You are in the circuit at a controlled airport and the tower tells the aircraft ahead of you that it is "Cleared for the option". What does that mean?

TC AIM - RAC 4.5.2

Aircraft departing an uncontrolled aerodrome should climb before commencing a turn in any direction to an en route heading. Turns back toward the circuit or airport should not be initiated until at least ft above the circuit altitude.

TSB Aviation Investigation Report A15P0217 –

TSB Aviation Investigation Report A15P0217 states “Therefore, using TC's interpretation of the Night VFR requirements, a flight conducted over an area away from and where there is inadequate ambient light to clearly discern a horizon (i.e. to continue flight solely by reference to the surface) does not meet the requirements for operation under VFR.

Visit the Transportation Safety Board of Canada (TSB) website at http://www.bst-tsb.gc.ca/eng/rapports-reports/aviation/index.asp

TSB Aviation Investigation Report A11Q0168 – 2.3

TSB Aviation Investigation Report A11Q0168 states that “According to Robinson Helicopter Company Safety Notices SN-18 and SN-26, helicopters have stability and much faster roll rates than aeroplanes. Loss of the pilot’s outside visual references, even for a moment, can result in , wrong control inputs, and loss of control. .

TSB Website

Should power line contact become inevitable, what is the best action for a balloonist to take? (Use balloon references.).”

CAR 602.18

No person shall operate a balloon over a built-up area without carrying on board sufficient fuel to permit the balloon to fly clear of the built-up area, taking into consideration the take-off weight of the balloon, the and the , and possible variations of those factors.”

Glider References

Identify two methods to reduce slack in a towrope while a glider is being aerotowed?
and (Use glider references)

CAR 602.114 and 602.115

If your aircraft is above 1 000 ft AGL and the cloud base can easily be reached, how high are you permitted to fly?

Rotorcraft References

Name the reasons why, while flying in the shaded area of the Height vs Velocity diagram, a landing, following an engine failure, has the potential to be unsuccessful?
(Use Rotorcraft references.)

Gyroplane References

What are the potential dangers of excessive flapping of the rotor blades during a zero-g flight manoeuvre?
(Use Gyroplane References.)